Tag Archives: Spanish 1

Personal Description in Spanish

The purpose for this assignment was that I was to find Three or more fictional/cartoon characters to describe me. It’s related to what I have been learning because in class we would use celebrities and describe them in Spanish. It is photovisi-downloadimportant to describe yourself in spanish because if you were to tell someone who speaks Spanish what you were like, they wouldn’t understand what you’re saying  if you said it in English. Spongebob in the picture describes me because he is very energetic and has a big personality. Dexter describes me because he is a genius and I am really smart also. Syndrome relates to me because we both have thick, fluffy red hair. Billy and I are alike because we both have weird sized noses and also we are very goofy and silly.

About Me in Spanish:  Me gusta jugar fútbol. Me gusta comer por la mañana. Me gusta ser cómico.